Your Guide for the Best Attachments and Implements For Compact Equipment

Nov. 29 2023 Miscellaneous By Emery Equipment

When you're in the rugged world of construction, concrete, landscaping or forestry, the reliability of your compact equipment can make or break the success of your projects. That's why we're here to guide you through the world of compact equipment attachments.

In these fields, we know that downtime is not an option. That's where trusted names like Bobcat come into play. Bobcat has earned its reputation over the years for manufacturing equipment that can withstand the toughest conditions. When you see the Bobcat logo, you know you're dealing with quality.

In Louisiana, where hard work and determination are part of our DNA, Emery Equipment has become a local favorite. We’ve been serving our community with top-notch equipment for years, and our name is synonymous with quality and dependability.

The Essential Attachments for Compact Equipment

Now, let's dive into the heart of the matter: attachments. These add-ons can transform your compact equipment into versatile workhorses, ready to tackle a variety of tasks. They can also save you money in the long run while also increasing your worksite’s efficiency and safety. 


Augers are an essential addition to your compact equipment toolkit, offering versatility, speed, precision, safety and adaptability. So, when you need precision drilling for foundations or utility installations, augers are your best friend. 

These versatile tools are designed to dig deep and drill with accuracy, making them indispensable for a wide range of projects. They also come in various sizes to match your project's needs.


Whether you're moving earth, gravel or debris, buckets are your go-to attachments. Their versatility makes them essential on any job site. Additionally, buckets come in various forms, each tailored to specific applications. For example, some common types of buckets include General Purpose, Grading, Heavy-Duty, High-Dump and Rock buckets.

Buckets are also renowned for their efficiency in moving materials. They can scoop up large volumes of material in a single pass, significantly speeding up your work. This not only increases productivity but also reduces the need for manual labor. 


In forestry, the right equipment can mean the difference between profit and loss. Grapples help you handle logs and brush efficiently and safely. Similar to buckets, grapples come in a variety of different forms to handle specific projects. These include Log, Brush, Rock and Pallet grapples. 

Grapples provide operators with exceptional control and precision. Their ability to grip, hold and release materials with precision makes them indispensable in industries where careful handling is essential.


For those in landscaping, mulchers turn overgrown areas into manicured lawns. These attachments make quick work of clearing vegetation. Like their counterparts, they too come in many forms, including Drum, Fecon, Horizontal and Vertical Mulchers. 

Additionally, mulchers are designed to excel in various terrains, from overgrown fields and forests to urban landscapes. Their adaptability ensures they perform reliably in a wide range of settings.

Concrete Breakers

In the concrete world, precision is everything. Concrete breakers let you demolish structures without causing unnecessary collateral damage. Some various forms of concrete breakers include Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric. 

One of the key advantages of concrete breakers is their ability to deliver precise and controlled force. This precision allows operators to target specific areas for demolition, minimizing collateral damage and reducing the need for manual labor.


Forks are vital in lifting and transporting a variety of materials on the project site. They’re especially a beneficial attachment when you have an excess load that needs a little more structure than the equipment can hold on its own. 

Fork attachments help save you time and money, and are a must on any construction site. With pallet forks, industrial forks, hydraulic forks and utility forks, these attachments prove their value every single time. 

Picking the Perfect Attachment: A Thoughtful Approach

Selecting the right attachment requires careful consideration. Before selecting the right attachment for you, make sure you consider your project requirements, the compatibility of the attachments to your equipment and your overall budget. 

Project Considerations

Think about the type of projects you undertake most often. Your attachment needs will vary if you're primarily involved in landscaping versus forestry or concrete work. If you need an attachment for a specific project, rentals are always an option. 

Ensuring Compatibility

Not all attachments fit all equipment. Make sure your chosen attachment is compatible with your compact equipment to avoid issues on the job. If you’re unsure about the attachment compatibility, one of our experienced technicians can help. 

Staying Within Budget

Budget constraints are a reality for many of us. Fortunately, there are options for attachments that won't break the bank while still delivering quality results. In addition, our experts at Emery Equipment will work with you to find the best option for your budget

Your people and your equipment are the lifeblood of your business. Let Emery Equipment assist you with all of your rental and purchase needs.